

  • Pretty print a json file: cat <file>|jq '.'

  • Remove the annoying double quotes when extracting data → use the -r option for raw text

  • Find a certain entitiy in a json file and print another entry inside that entity:

    cat <file>|jq -r '.AutoScalingGroups[] | select(.AutoScalingGroupName|contains("ame-auto-scaling-group")).AutoScalingGroupName'
  • Filter for certain entities in a json file and build a new json output with certain values:

    cat <file>|jq ''
  • Select elements which do not contain a certain value:

    cat <file>|jq '.notifications[] | select(contains("trex") | not)'

    Selects only elements for which a string "trex" can be found in the array "notifications".

  • Remove elements which contain a certain string:

    cat <file>|jq 'del(.notifications[] | select(contains("trex")))'

    Returns the json file without entries inside the array "notifications" which contain the text "trex".

  • Remove elements which do not contain a certain string:

    cat <file>|jq 'del(.notifications[] | select(contains("trex") | not))'

    Returns the json file only with entries inside the array "notifications" which contain the text "trex".

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